Saturday, March 21

I can't Distinguish

Nothing Is Happening RiteI m not able to Distinguiish My Thinking I don't know wats that making this happen Wats wrong wats rite is also something has become mystery to me For the Day From Morning I have Had Few Bad Things Happening My Way I was thinking Of Doing maths Today . . Problems Looks So Scary That I m Still Trembling With Fear OF wats gonna Happen Maybe I will Open the Same Text With More Courage Maybe I will Be able To start Tomorrow .

Tonight I don't Know Wat I m Gonna Do .  Just stay Online and Tok Nonsense Or Perhaps I  Try covering One of The Chapter of DBMS,Perhaps . 

I Don't Know Wat I m Telling Now is Exactly Wat I m Gonna Do I can't Distinguish My feeling.I can't Distinguish My Thinking  I m Remain Undistinguished For The Day Oh yeah Tomorrow Is Sunday . Sunday is Super day .So I will Remain Super Boy Tomorrow I.e I m surely Gonna Study Tomorrow .

Hathway Sucks ,But Not always . [:P]

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