Monday, March 16

Everyone made my life

Our family had gathering this month infact in last week for a week ,It feels good to see all together ,Though i m not a family boy I don't get along with people so well I know this not something good to tell about myself But it's the truth and this is the reason i keep least with people .I have highest reagards for the member Due to simple reason that I consider everyone makes my life ,evryONE And have made my life.

I hope to meet them again In may ...I know I will have exam somewhere around that time But i m thinking of taking time off If possible Considering the fact that My cousoin sister is getting married ,Oh yeah my sister is getting married It's a special occasion It's gonna be grand There is gonna be Pompous celebration I can't effprdto miss this I love attainding marriages :) and Moreover most of the family memeber will get together again It's the other reason which will Give Me reason to meet Frirnds In Bihar :P .

I m gonna have exam ,but i can take my time out i will do atleast i will try to a extent possible Since i have spent HELL lots of time with her To me reality hardly matters ,the way i live is wat becomes reality ,Reality ultimately and I have two brother and two sis . I m the smallest in family ,Oh yeah smallest :) and i have not counted myself in this :|

Now Moving To different point -
This is little stupid thinking of my mind,I don't like the departure scene ,I stay away ,I don't like the scene in which u know all these are preparation for departing from each other is happening ,And thus i usually remain stay away I know many people may not Like this fact that i don't give them my time at the End . I m stupid I know and i will remain Not bcz i want to hurt them but bcz it hurts me To say bye to people .

Family gathering gives people a chance here to feel like they're helping ,they are knowing each other and they are Perhaps they might think this isn't required but i feel it is required :),Perhaps . It was great exprience to me . .Oh yeah i m telling the truth this time we had complete family gathering ,and it was peaceful and quite .I don't get along with all so easily maybe it's something in me that stops me ,but i feel it's good after considering the way my mind works ~ha! I know many thing about myself thats wrong Still i do it ..u know why ?...Bcz i Have chosen to live like this way .

All came as strong as Hell and now they will go back like Dream I want to dream again I want to get used to this Hell Force I want I will keep wanting i m this way I will remain this way My wanting becomes need no matter wat happens It remains need .

This is to mami ~Bye ! Take care !May ur all wishes and my wishes for u come true! I know this remains in my heart ,but i will keep it with me .

I wanted to meet mami before she left bangalore..stupid sleep StoPped me from doing so I feel stupid now I should have stayed over in othe house I m just too stupid .

Thank yOu blog U are cho chweeeeet u are always there to hear me .Thank You .

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