Sunday, October 25

Random Act ..Say Hello

I had a  Sim card Of Aircel ..Which I rarely use  Today I Just decided To Use The sim for random Act ..Oh yeah Random Act ...

Today's story I wish tranfer Into Play I.e different scene ...*swooshed Opens the curtain by inserting new sim into Phone *.

Scene 1:Akash - [Silent  Boy..a good footballer and amazing guy to be with *caller tune walk and talk talk and walk* ]

Akash :Hello .
Me : Silent
Akash:Hello .
Me  : Hello
Akash : Hi .
Me :Say Hello .
Akash  :Hello .
Me :Again .
Akash  : Who is this ?
Me: Are You walking or talking ?
Akash :wat ?
Me :Did yedy kill the goat ?
Akash :sorry ..
Me : *cracking up*say hello ..uncontrolled  giggle..
Akash :Sumit ..
Me :Pamela Anderson .
Akash : who ?
Me :Pamela ..
Akash :Tell da sumit ..
Me: How the fuck You know i M sumit ?
Akash :No one else is mad Like You .
*rest conversation is about studies and current progress in life ..skipping *

Scene 2 :calling   Krish -School mate ,  currently pursuing in josephs close friend ,calling up after long time .. ]
Me :Hello
Krish :*changed voice* Hello .
Me :I m calling from St Joseph college .
Krish :Yes .
Me :This is to inform You that Your exam that was to be held tomorrow has been postponed to tuesday due to death of One of Our teacher .
Krish :Wat ?
Me :Yes lets pray for Peace .
Krish : who are You ?
Me :say Hello .
Krish : sumit ?
Me : Bhosdk .
Me :How the fuck Did u guess ?
Krish :Who else can do this ?
Me :but still .
Krish :Exam Khatam ho gaya..
Me :<> I should Have found out this detail and talked  .

Krish :Hahahahha ..watta a beginning  man (yeah he has the habit of telling man after most statement are you ? fuck You ... ##$$##$#$#$ $##$#$ $##$# and goes on ...
*And usual life talk *

Me :say Hello =)).

Scene 3 : Basil  [school mate ,another funny guy whose favorite line is 'Fuck man' it for funny or serious issue ]

Me :Silent
Basil :Hello
Me :Hello
Basil :who is this
Me :Raj malhotra
Basil :I can't hear You ..
Me :Raj malhotra ,My wife's name is Pooja .
Basil :I don't know You ..i think Wrong number ..
Me :I have four son ..and Do you agree to agreement ?
Basil :wat ?,wat agreement ?
Me :Marriage Agreement ..(oops made wrong choice of word )
Basil :Wat ?
Me :House Agreement ..
Basil :I think You have called Up wrong guy ..
Me :No i m father of four son and My wife's name is pooja ,i have four children .
Basil :Is this vivek ?,No Not vivek ..who are You ?
Me :  Harry potter fan .
Basil :Wat ?
Basil :Oh Fuck man - Sumit (note His first use )
Me :Go die ..
Basil :Oh Fuck man You confused me ..I was like wat agreement .. hahha Oh fuck ,Oh fuck man .
*and this goes on ...with normal college description *
Me :Say hello .
Basil :Oh fuck man .

Scene 4 - Akash Badrinath [school mate ]-one Big fat goofy guy with one can chat about gaming ,rock and star wars for Years .One man I know who is Himslef truely .* he is returning after attending the rock show in palace ground*


Me :Hello
Akash :Hello
Me :Say Hello
Akash :Hi
Me :Say hello.
Akash :Hello ,Who is this ?
Me : Hello ,This is spiderman .
Akash : Oh,wow do you survive in india do You manage your skill practice in these small building .* This answer wasn't expected ,Perhaps this shows his sporadic thinking*
Me :Yeah I kinda difficult ,but then i m Dwarf spider man ..I got to use skill on these small building ..
Akash :Ok ,Tell who is this ?
Me: Now that You have repeated the question I must change my answer ,Shaktiman .
AKash :Wow,Our super hero . Sumit ...wadddddupp ...How is yOu ?
Me :How the hell man ..Go die ..I m not talking to You
Akash :Hahahah ..Who else could be mad so much .
Me :Damn You .
*usual talk about wats happening currently and other update *
(yeah he has curled Up long Hair now ..gotta meet him soon :D)
Me : Say Hello to shaktiman .

Scene 5- shamsudin .

Me :Hello .
Shamsudin: Hello .
Me :say again .
Shansudin :Hello .
Me :Keep saying .
Shamsudin : hello hello helo ..,who is this ?
Me :Is Your fan running ?
Shamsudin :Sumit ?, yeah it's running.
Me :Go run after it ..
*both laughs uproariously*
Shamsudin :  Salley gandu harami
*usual talk now *
Me: say hello ..
Shanmsudin :Khi khi khi ..

Scene 6: Neha (Old Friend ..Rarely talk to her ..)

 Me :Hello
Neha :Hi
Me :I said Hello say hello
Neha :Hello ,WHO ARE YOU ?
Me :Shiv
Neha :Who are you? shiv is with me .
*damn that fool had to be with her now :@ !*
Me :Ramji shabjiwala
Neha :Hahhaha ,SUMIT ?
*grr even though I m not in touch i got caught *
Me :Bye , It's late night ..go sleep ..And slap that shiv .
Neha :Khi khi .. You still are mad .
Me :No i m ramji shabjiwala now ..slap that FOOL ..
Me :say hello .
*I cut the call*

Scene 6: Kathik Kesar (college mate )

Me :Hello
Karthik :Hello
Karthik :Who are u man ?
Me :Ramya in Same Voice.*in my own voice i.e man voice *
Karthik :Which ramya ?
Me :Ramya with Loose bra .
*laughs *
Karthik :Tell the Fucker ..
*i had messaged him before as unknown ..and by then he had got doubt and by that i think he inferred who i was -now usual talk about wat i have been doing and record and tomorrow timing *

Scene 7: Junaid

Me :Knok Knock
Junaid : Hello,who is this .
Me :Kya apkey masudo mein dard hain ?
Junaid :Wat ?
Me :Chalo agley ghar .. leaves him in confused ~hahah !

*later I called him up ...but no scene was scripted as he recognised my voice easily .*

Scene 8,9,10,11 ..skipped due to similarity in script .

Scene That remained Unscripted
Calling Mandira [current name Ping] *rings * *She deosn't pick * grrr ..Anyway this scene I presume  wouldn't have got scripted because I had already been INDIAN GAS DELEIVERY boy yesterday to her ..still called to make scene and realised after making call she was only who was remaining in that list to be scripted scene with .

*Sim Removed *

Me :Hello ,Say Hello .Keep Repeating .

Later , :@  !

Gonna complete practical record now ..

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