Saturday, February 21

I can't articulate my thoughts

Im tired. I am not thinking staight. It is late I should be asleep,I have strained my eys enough for it to close , but I dont want to sleep. I want to be awake, awake from my life that sometimes seems like a dream. I am asleep and I am tired I am Bored . Or I am tired of being asleep .hehe this makes no sense, I cant articulate my thoughts - they seem so vague and indescribable. Sometimes people say that I can seem "out of it," but being out of it is being into it when "it" is the seemingly unreal reality in which I exist and when I am "out" of "it" I am in the real reality, or is it real, or is all in my head. Sometimes nothing seems real, and yet I just go on living in the world, and at times when I have thoughts like this I begin to question what I do. Oh well I just keep on doing it, and things usually end up right. or do they...

what it seems just what you THINK.

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missinfatuated said...
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